Multiply your possibilities with minimized effort

SMILEconnect is a state-of-the-art interface for BMC ITSM Suite. It allows you to connect your own BMC ITSM system in a simple and easy way with 3rd party systems – even bmc to bmc connections will be simplified with SMILEconnect.


Instead of developing individual interface every time, SMILEconnect enables almost every modern application to be integrated into the BMC Suite - on ITSM module level. This allows external service providers to access specific information – integration effort in BMC ITSM Suite will become a thing of the past.

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You can setup integrations with external partners by using your REST API in just a few minutes.

With just a few clicks you can decide, whatever information should be accessible to the partner.

The universal interface allows them to interact with your system by using webhooks or in almost any programming language (Java, PHP, etc.) via a custom connector developed in-house.

SMILEconnect is the result of our interface developing experience for different customers, e.g. to link individual BMC ITSM systems with one service provider. Those used to be very similar in the past, and it felt like creating the same interfaces again and again.

That’s why we’ve developed a universal interface that uses on state-of- the-art RESTful technology.

This allows the integration of current bmc software versions, and also those that may get released in the future.

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SMILEconnect not only provides "simple" REST operations, but also offers the possibility to notify partner system on events via webhooks.

If you need more complicated operations, the integrated custom connector allows you to create them in almost any programming language.

You can keep this simple if you use the provided connector templates. More time to concentrate on other important things.



SMILEconnect reduces the effort to create interfaces. Furthermore, it only requires one system user due to integrated access control - thus saving the cost of additional licenses.


In addition, SMILEconnect considerably reduces the required developing effort. Which in turn allows you to use the resources released more productively.




In our experience, the creation of an individual interface requires about 6.5 man-days in average.

SMILEconnect reduces this by more than half – the communication with the external partner remains, as well as some small adjustments stays left.



Exact functionality, stability, usability…
Want more details?

We would be happy to show you what SMILEconnect can do for you in the future.